Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Safari 2019 September 4th

September 4th 2019

Early morning houseboat trip
Clouds have been passing us by all day. Some are dark and a little threatening. People here need the water but it is not much fun camping in the rain.
As well as watching the activities on the Murray River we had a walk along the dusty paths of the Morgan Conservation Park before we left the area. Our camp was very close to the massive Pumping and Treatment Plant for the water prior to it being sent north to so many places that need this valuable asset.

We were lucky to see a small flock of Regent
Pelicans & Ducks painted on Waikerie Silo
Parrots showing off their beautiful yellow plumes.

We travelled along the Murray River on and off all day. We lunched in the park  at Waikerie and watched the ferry carry vehicles back and forth across this mighty River
Car Ferry crossing the Murray R.

By chance John noticed Silo Art in Waikerie. The 3 or 4 silos have been painted by two artists and were very interesting. 

We are now in the Murray River National Park which is south of Barmera and have camped on Katarapko Creek which is an Anna branch of the Murray River. There are still clouds about as evening falls.

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