July 11th
After a very warm night we arose to a clear calm day but strong wind and clouds have developed.
Newhaven Sanctuary is a vast and important wildlife sanctuary situated in the southern Tanami Desert.
The property covers over half a million acres of diverse, arid landscapes. We have enjoyed our drive
exploring the grasslands, rugged hills and the tiny Potatoe Creek Gorge named after the Bush Potatoe plant.
Desert Bloodwoods, Holly Grevillia, Acacias, Ghost Gums and Desert Oaks are a familiar site.
Honey Grevillia is in bloom also the Forked Leafed Hakea. There are several wattles flowering but
unfortunately I am unable to identify them. From the available park notes we have recognised the
Curry wattle. The leaves of this low plant smell of Curry. I have some simmering on the cooktop
with silk fabric..it smells like curry but will it leave a yellow golden mark!! Doubtful but
I must try 'just in case'.
Acacia bush formed into 'clasped hands |
The property was seriously burnt a couple of years ago so there are many dead silhoettes. One paricular
tree is an acacia which forms itself into a basket shape or the shape of clasped hands after it has been
killed by fire. It is remarkable to see so many trees taking on this odd shape.