Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 20th
An early visit to Witchelena Station Homestead where volunteers, Maureen and Barry showed us through the homestead which is being extensively renovated. The property is owned by the Nature Foundation of South Australia. It has been a beautiful old home on a sheep station which was settled in the mid 1800s.

We travelled westward over a rough track which continued in this state most of the way to the Bore Road. From 2 high hills we had Telstra connection, transmitted from Andamooka, ....this was a bonus for the day.... 

There were many salt pans and some areas were filled with water. We could see Lake Torrens from a couple of vantage points. The colours of the salt lakes were really lovely..soft greens, white, beige, blues and purple/mauves. Samphire growth is always attractive.

To our pleasure our track followed the old vermin fence which was very dilapidated and of no further use as protection from dingoes.

This desolate country is much healthier than the last time we drove through it. The cattle grazing appear fat and sleek.

Old vermin fence across a salina (salt lake) with samphire in the foreground.
Our camping spot for the night was on the side of a sand dune which we hope will provide some shelter from the wind which, of course is drying our clothes!

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