Friday, July 29, 2011


At last we travelled on some easier roads and arrived in Warburton soon after 11.00am. We booked into the Camping Park attached to the Roadhouse. It was great to use the washing machine and let all blow dry on the line.We were able to re-stock our food supplies from the store. We will be away from 'shops' for a week as we travel down to Cocklebiddy.We visited the local Cultural Centre and Art Gallery. The Aboriginal Art on display was most impressive..even some felted works and some lovely glass platters. The weather is still very warm..hopefully no rain!!

It would be great to receive some comments from those who are following our Safari.


  1. Hello travellers. Thanks June for the information on your blog. The boys and I have enjoyed reading what you have all been up to so far on your journey. We have been following your path, using the tracking device John set up and now that we can read your blog, we are able to follow what you have been doing as you make your way around the outback. I would be really interested to see how your eco dyed fabric turns out and at a later date see what inspiring creation they become. Thanks again for keeping us informed, travel safely, take care and have lots of fun. Love Sal

  2. P.S. The boys enjoyed reading the parts about the camels and seeing the photo of them too. Joel especially loved the photo of you and John infront of Uluru. He loves the Don Spencer song, Australia and he has been walking around singing "Ayers Rock and the Flying Doc" since he saw the photo.

  3. Mark here tracking your progress, now that I managed to sort out the address.

    Nice to see the weather is warm and flowers out.

    Keep up the good blogging!
