Thursday, June 23, 2022

Monday July 12th

 We left our camp about 9.30am and had decided to travel on a side road to Windorah. After 20kms we found a sign the conveyed there was a locked gate ahead. The was no alternative but to return to the main bitumen road to Windorah. It was a very busy road with many cars, caravans and trucks. We did see a few animals along the way...sheep and cattle but wondered what they ate. The country was remarkably green and grey with very short grass.

Eventually we went across Cooper's Creek about 5 miles from Windorah. There was a comfortable space for us to camp on the River. The day is warm at 25 degrees. The small town of Windorah is one of only three towns in the shire of Barcoo in Central West Queensland. Population would be about 150 people.

We visited the township and did a little shopping and have made the decision to stay for 2 nights.

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