Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 22nd….DAY 36

Water lines as the tide comes in

Despite the number of people camped at Hull Heads it was a peaceful bush camp. The noise of the distant waves was good to sleep with. The only disturbance we had was the mournful cry of the curlew. I have never seen or heard so many in one area.

On the way back to the Bruce Highway we called in to Tully heads and walked for 40 minutes on the beautiful beach. No camping is allowed here and from signs along the water front the ‘Welcome Mat’ is not out for visitors.

The mountains are a wonderful background..some are very steep with a cone like top. Hinchinbrook Island appeared the same. It is possible to go to there by commercial boat,  but there are no facilities to take a vehicle.

Pelicans with off coast islands 

Lunch was enjoyed at Ingham which is a pretty well cared for town with Hinchinbrook Island a dominant background feature.

Sugar cane is the main industry with acres of it under production. The local mill processes 3 million tons per year. Sugar cane harvesters and sugar trains were very much in evidence.

I had arranged to call at Paluma to visit Anneshka's friend whom she has known from Darwin days. Colwyn is a lovely lady who welcomed us into her home. The trip up the very steep mountains to Paluma was quite an incredible drive through forest which varied from open treed bush to thick rain forest. Late in the afternoon we went further on to camp at the Paluma Dam which supplies Townsville with water. The temperature is quite cold up here so we have re-instated the doona on our bed.

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